Janet Crane (Confalone)


Wilkes University- 1984

Health Care services- Home Care, Staffing Solutions & Human Resouces and Client Relations
Miscellaneous personal information such as: family (including other family members who have graduated from CHS ) – hobbies, and volunteer activities

Married to Steven, 2 Children- CHS alumni: Meredith 2011 & Jack 2015

Active Member of the Maplewood South Orange Community, Maple Leaf Award Recipient, Achieve Trustee, CHS Booster Trustee, Morrow Memorial Chruch Member, Maplewood Civic Assoc., SOMA School District


Current: President of the CHS Alumni Assoc.

Personal pertinent thoughts about CHS/ South Orange – Maplewood

Found Memories of the CHS Pep Rallies and Underhill Field, Maplewood Village & Softball at the Baird Center

Roar Cougars Roar!!